Feature #3598
openBackend Functionality - Upload Vouchers - Backend
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Updated by Raghavendra Kulkarni 15 days ago
- Status changed from New to In Development
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
Worked on the upload functionality of reading a excel file from s3.
Updated by Raghavendra Kulkarni 12 days ago
- % Done changed from 40 to 80
Worked on the rds query of inserting the vouchers and modified the code to handle multiple sheets for reading excel file. Also added mail trigger code and email template for voucher upload.
Updated by Raghavendra Kulkarni 11 days ago
- Status changed from In Development to In Testing
- % Done changed from 80 to 90
Worked on edge cases like conflict and failure uploads. Created email templates for the same and made modifications to the existing code to handle all the cases.